I am developing a new skill , building a close board 8ft high fence .I am actually finding it a very relaxing process . just banging nails in boards one after the other and a fence slowly appears .
I notice a lot more people riding push bikes I suppose its the nice weather so I looked up organised cycle rides It was quite funny, all of them were in places an older person could only get to by car and all advertised their good parking . Some irony there .
I have just become a great grandad at the ridiculously early age of 65 . It does make you think, I wonder what sort of a world he will inherit ? and whether the human race will sort out its problems . The main one is greed . I saw the salary of the chief executive of Suffolk's county council I have now forgotten what it was but it was huge , how can one person need that sort of salary or even imagine that they are worth it . I would like to see the council survive if all the refuse collector disappeared and I bet they don't get anywhere near 1/6th of her salary . How do you spend that sort of money ?
I am finding some of the adverts on TV rather worrying , or rather the minds of the people who invented them even more worrying . If you watch a few you will see every stereotype exploited for the purpose of selling something , The small man syndrome in the car insurance advert :"all elderly people are daft" in the specsaver advert , Bullying appears in quite a lot of adverts , and one advert for tea appears to promote gin drinking . There are a few that don't seem to be advertising anything , at least anything comprehensible
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