Odd how when you think you have lots of spare time, life expands to fill it . We are having our loft insulated and there is 30 years of junk ( sorry !treasures! ) up there . No-one wanted it when it was up the loft, but its interesting to see how much is needed now I want to bin it . I took the dog for a walk today and saw a five spot Burnett moth . They used to be very common on a patch of waste ground which was covered with thistles . but disappeared when it was built on , its nice to see one back even if they are loaded with poison . The dog did try to eat it, as it does with most things but I dissuaded it . It tried to eat a bee yesterday and walked around with a fat lip, as the bee objected. but it still tried to eat another one today . She will try most things in the hope they are edible. and so far the only thing she will not have a go at is orange peel .Oranges are OK she will eat them but not the peel. We found some of my old nursing notes from when I was a student in the 60s , strange how much that we thought was gospel, was wrong , anyone remember preventing skin breakdown by vigourous rubbing with soap and then rubbing with spirit? Two ways of removing oils from the skin . but our patients (the word clients hadnt been invented ) didnt break down because the ritual of "the backs " involved strict two hour turns and inspection of the pressure areas. ritual does have its place some time . I was discussing just in case and just in time learning witha coplleague and cant help feeling that we are missing something important here . There should be a third category "just about" I have allways held that education is about allowing people to use their mind . Just in time is learning that is needed for application to the business or process you are engaged in , just in case is a business you may be engaged in but what about learning that allows you as a human being to develop and explore your environment and expand your perception ,( Im not talking Timothy Leary here) just learning .If you teach people to think they will challenge, they will explore, and they probably will reject concepts you as the teacher hold dear; but is that such a bad thing as Dylan says "the times they are achanging"
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