Been offline a while , and have been looking at adverts with some interest . Two in particular have aroused my ire .One is the one about the" germy soap dispenser handle " that then proudly announces that the soap used kills 99% of germs , So does it really matter that the handle is germy or not as presumably the only time you touch it is immediately prior to washing your hands. Incidentally I find it interesting that there is never a time load for how long the 99% germ clearance is obtained because the microbial and viral load in the air will make pretty sure it is re-colonised pretty quickly. The other one is for a fabric fresheners where blindfolded clients are shown into a a pretty scummy room and asked to sniff stuff , including a pair of dubious underpants .I find this frightening because however good the product is at covering the smell it does nothing at all to inhibit the bacterial and fungal processes producing the smell and actually could put the sniffers at risk. Its interesting that this remnant of the medieval "miasma " theory has survived in strong enough form to sell fresheners . What is really worrying though is the contempt of the advertisers for their target audience not just in these examples but in countless other adverts as well . Their disdain is shown in the acceptance that their audience is too dumb to work out the inconsistencies in their presentations .
To completely change the subject my pond is now complete (much to the dogs delight ) its about the size of a bathtub , so not very big then but has already had an occupier who's portrait I have attached to this blog.The dogs delight is due to the fact that when I open the back gate she now has an immediate water source to jump into .